

Live in community


We have many ways to connect with people and be in community.

About Us

Our mission is to help people know, love, and follow Jesus. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, we want you to know you are loved by Jesus and welcome at our church. We believe Jesus meets us where we are and invites us to follow Him into a life of transformation and purpose.

At Cana we value 3 things that we believe any church should value:

1) Participatory, gospel-centered worship. We believe that our gatherings should incorporate times of musical worship that invite participation, not spectating. This helps the word of Christ to dwell in us richly and should be a part of any church gathering. 

2) Biblical Instruction. We value clear and practical teaching and preaching of the Bible. We believe the power of the Holy Spirit working through the revealed word of God to be transformative in the lives of believers.

3) Mobilization of every believer. We value the preparation of every believer to take the message of the gospel outside the walls of the church, whether locally or internationally. We believe churches are to equip believers to do this work.

We also value what God has given our local body to accomplish:

1) Redemptive Community. We value the invitation of Jesus into a life of healing, transformation, holiness, and purpose. This invitation is extended to every person and we welcome every person to come as they are so that they can be transformed by Jesus. 

2) The Next Generation. We value the systematic discipling of young people to become adult followers of Jesus. 

3) Development. We value leader development as God’s primary means of multiplying kingdom expansion. We want to be a place where leaders are made and sent out.

4) Innovation. We value innovation that makes us more capable of fulfilling the mission of Christ. We question, we think outside the box, we seek perspectives different from our own, and we welcome new ideas for the sake of spreading the gospel and expanding the kingdom of God.